3 Psychological Tricks To Command Respect

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Tywin theories I mentioned (watch the whole 5 part series on 2x speed, it’s worth it):

How Tywin Lannister Commands Respect in Game of Thrones

Tywin Lannister is a beast. He effectively served as king for many years under Aerys and wielded massive influence over Robert and Joffrey. He would have continued to be the power behind the thrones had he not been so horrible to Tyrion – more on that later – but that’s not the point.

In this video I want to explore why Tywin was able to command so much respect, breaking down everything from his body language to his strategy.

00:28 Game of Thrones of HBO shows this Tywin Lannister epic king outlook
04:40 One of the analyses of GOT Tywin Lannister dominance
10:20 Towering Tywin Lannister over Cersei and Tyrion Lannister

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