5 Psychological Secrets Of Eye Contact [2020] | Nova

5 Psychological Secrets Of Eye Contact [2020] | Nova

A wise man once said, ” Your eyes are the windows to your soul “, and in fact, it is! Eyes say a lot about a person’s character, both positive and negative if you know how to interpret them.

This video explores, some astounding psychological secrets of eye contact that you may not know. Most importantly, you’re going to learn how eye contacts play a big role in various social settings.

So, even if you’re about to fall asleep, open up your eyes! As Nova presents the 5 secrets of eye contact that is about to b**w up your mind.


Nova, as the name suggests is all about making you curious, wonder, inspire, learn new facts, and creative. Because we believe that simple facts and knowledge has the power to change a life. These nuggets will be provided in the simplest possible form. Time of importance to everyone, so facts will be stated directly with some minimal explanation.

Nova is also about how you can use the knowledge and facts we provide here to live a better life. Videos will be kept short and easy to understand.

Nova is for anyone who is interested in knowing the facts, tricks, and hacks and is not interested in getting into the details of it.

Nova thanks everyone for the support and love and also for the subscription.

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