The Being You, Changing the World Classes with Dr Dain Heer

Are you a dreamer? Are you always asking for more, being more, and looking for that “something” we all KNOW is possible? What if that “something” is YOU? What if you, being you, are all it takes to change EVERYTHING — your life, everyone around you and the world? This isn’t about being successful or doing anything better… It is about stepping into the amazing possibilities of YOU. Is now the time to start creating the life you truly desire?

You’re invited to a 3.5 day Being You, Changing the World Intensive Class, facilitated by Dr. Dain Heer. Please know this class can totally change the way you function in the world and give you a totally different perspective on BEING.

It does this by giving you access to your knowing, by dynamically increasing your awareness to include everything you are… and judge none of it. It provides you with a set of tangible, practical and dynamic tools that can change anything that isn’t working for you including your money, reality, relationships and health.

Try these questions to start you thinking differently about your being:

* What if you could talk with your body and ask it to heal?
* What if money is actually about receiving?
* What if there is a totally different paradigm for relationships that is based on joy, gratitude and allowance?
* What would be possible if you created your future, knowing what is really true for you?

This 3.5 day course will open you up to an expanded awareness to know that a life without judgment is available to you and that you can create the life you truly desire, if you choose to!

You will be introduced to the tools of Access Consciousness as well as Dr. Dain Heer’s unique transformational energy process called The Energetic Synthesis of Being. Throughout the days of this intensive, you’ll receive an experience of being you that is impossible to describe, that you won’t find anywhere else, and that willl stay with you for the rest of your life.

You will also learn Access Bars, a dynamic, nurturing and relaxing body process that goes deeper every time you run it, and helps the body let go of limitations with greater ease. This process totally changed Dain Heer’s life when he first came in contact with Access. After this class you will be a Bars practitioner and you can start giving sessions!

Please know that this class can radically change the way you function in the world. Are you ready for that?

Together with the group, you’ll explore the very energies of living. The truth is, you are the only person who is creating your reality. What if you could finally let go of the automatic pilot that runs your life? There is so much more available to you — and of you — that goes beyond your wildest dreams.

Welcome to a VERY different class!

Find out more here:

Still-life photographer: My Södergren



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