The Changing Face of Corporate Governance in the World

There is no question that the word governance has now widely entered the government and business vocabulary. This session reviews the main changes in governance around the world, aiming to answer the basic question: is governance around the world improving, where in particular, and how so? What are the expectations might one hold about governance going forward?

Mahmood H. Alkooheji, Chief Executive Officer, Mumtalakat
Pekka Hietala, Professor of Finance, Chair, Finance Area, INSEAD
Mishal Hamed Kanoo, Chairman, The Kanoo Group
Ludo Van der Heyden, Academic Director, INSEAD Corporate Governance Initiative, The INSEAD Chaired Professor of Corporate Governance, INSEAD
Dr. Adnan Soufi, Founder, DAS Partners and Former Commissioner, Capital Market Authority

Peter Zemsky, Dean of Executive Education, Dean of Innovation, Professor of Strategy, The Eli Lilly Chaired Professor of Strategy and Innovation, INSEAD



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