Lee Mun Wah is an internationally renowned Chinese American documentary filmmaker, author, poet, Asian folk teller, educator, community therapist and master diversity trainer. He is the Founder and Executive Director of StirFry Seminars & Consulting, a diversity training company that provides educational tools and workshops on cross-cultural communication and awareness, mindful facilitation, and conflict mediation techniques. His most famous film about racism, The Color of Fear, won the Gold Medal for Best Social Studies Documentary and in 1995, Oprah Winfrey did a one-hour special on the film and Lee Mun Wah’s life. In 2013, he will be releasing his latest film, If These Halls Could Talk, which focuses on college students speaking their truth about racism and other diversity issues in higher education and beyond. Lee Mun Wah talks about the power of cultural perspective and the need to reach beyond the superficial in making cross-cultural connections.
The secret to changing the world | Lee Mun Wah | TEDxExpressionCollege
Ancient Aliens: Pythagoras' Revelations of Mathematical Sound (Season 12, Episode 8) | History
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Experts talk about Pythagoras’ influence on western music through his revolutionary analytics of the math of sound in this...
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Chuck Missler ❖ Revelation Chapter 2 source
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How are democracies and authoritarian states reacting to the coronavirus pandemic? An investigative team is looking for clues worldwide...
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Ancient Revelations Royalty Free Music
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Get this here: …included with our Unlimited memberships. Or download hundreds of other assets with a FREE account. A...
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Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
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Joe & Tim Dillon Discuss UFO Revelations
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Taken from JRE #1677 w/Tim Dillon: source