From 1933 until 1945, The Japanese military conducted inhumane and unethical human experiments and torture methods to benefit Japan’s warfare against China. The Japanese army romanticized historical samurai as models of martial behavior, and soldiers and their superiors often acted following impressions of samurai from folklore. To this end, they used weapons like swords to inflict beheadings and other feudal brutalities on prisoners of war.

Many nations committed many terrible acts during WWII. However, Japanese transgressions in that period stand out as especially horrific and brutal. Not only did the Japanese use inhuman methods as part of their interrogations, but full units were set up for experimenting on living human beings. One of the most notorious units of the Japanese military was a unit called Unit 731.

Victims normally were brought to the torture site complex in the dead of night in crammed freight cars with lumber logs on top or were delivered in grayish-green paneled Dodge trucks. The victims were then brought into the building through a secret tunnel. According to witnesses, technicians in white coats handled the victims who were tied in bags so tightly that their head and feet touched each other.

No one was allowed to survive Unit 731 alive. If a prisoner survived the inoculation of lethal bacteria, this did not save him from repeated experiments. These experiments continued until death from infection. The infected victims were given medical treatment to test various methods of restoring soundness. Prisoners were fed normally and, after making a full recovery, were used for the next experiment and infected with another type of germ. Ultimately, no one ever left this death factory alive.

In today’s video, we’ll show you a list of truly sickening methods and human experiments committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War 2.


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