How do you know what 100 millions users like? is conducting hundreds of experiments per month on production to understand which features our users like and which hurt or improve our business. At Wix we have developed our 3rd generation experiment system called Petri, which was open sourced. Petri helps us maintain some order in a chaotic system that keeps changing. We will also explain how it works and what are the patterns in conducting experiments that have a minimal effect on performance and user experience.
Experimenting on Humans’ (or, ‘everything you want from an a/b testing’) (Talya Gendler, Israel)
World's Largest Experiment!
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
Thanks to Cheez-It and Pringles for sponsoring this video! Learn about the Build For Better contest and how you...
nano tech, morgellons, human experimenting.
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
For the past three years I have had this s**t on my face and all over my body. DARPA...
Gravitas: Scientists inject human cells into Monkey's embryo
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
U.S. Scientists recently tried creating the world’s first Human-Monkey Chimera. They injected Human cells into the embryo of a...
How to Survive a Grenade Blast
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
Just some helpful science if you ever find yourself face to face with a grenade 🙂 CHECK OUT THE...
Experimenting on Humans – Talya Gendler (Hebrew)
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
How do you know what 100 millions users like? conducts hundreds of experiments per month, on production, to...
Experimenting Spiderman | Horror Stories Animated
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
Experimenting Spiderman | Horror Stories Animated You can donate us at Paypal : Thanks you for watching! ………………………...
Cruel secret experiment separates twins and triplets at birth | 60 Minutes Australia
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
Subscribe here: Full Episodes: | The experiment (2020) Identical twins are beautiful quirks of nature, perfect genetic copies of...
Onion and Cheek Cells – MeitY OLabs
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Science & Mathematics, 0
This video channel is developed by Amrita University’s CREATE ▶ For more Information @ ▶ Online Labs for School...