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Yakuza 4 – All Saejima Revelations
End of the Mayan Calendar | Apocalypse 2012 Revelations
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Subscribe to Discovery! | Take a look at how the complex cycles of the Mayan calendar work and how...
Greta Thunberg | A Young Protester Changing The World | Inspiring Women of Goalcast
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Fearing for her future, 15 year-old Greta Thunberg did the only thing she could think of: she sat in...
Why You Can Change The World
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Though it looks like the world is set in its ways, it is in fact eminently open to change...
Joe & Tim Dillon Discuss UFO Revelations
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Taken from JRE #1677 w/Tim Dillon: source
The ManKind Project Durango – Changing the World
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
The ManKind Project is life-changing training organization for men. We create an experience and offer men support and tools...
New Learning for a Rapidly Changing World – Linda Darling-Hammond
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Linda Darling-Hammond, one of the most influential people affecting educational policy in the United States, and professor emerita in...
Changing World History To Destroy Humanity
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
I map “A Better World” and try not to destroy everything French Empire VS British Empire Main Channel: ———————————————-...
Changing the world through fashion: Eva Kruse at TEDxCopenhagen
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
On the brink of potentially dangerous climate change and with attention on corporate social responsibility soaring to new heights,...