Virtual and augmented reality are among today’s greatest immersive technology trends… but can they be used for more than just gaming and entertainment? In this talk, Tiffany Lam explores the use of immersive technologies like virtual and augmented reality to help tell stories better, bring people closer together, improve learning, and empower education through direct experience. For the last 15 years, Tiffany has been documenting and storytelling her life experiences through digital media. As an introvert, she found 360VR capture revolutionary – a communication tool to better translate stories and experiences to her friends and family without exhausting herself with excessive words. Having now produced immersive sensory experiences for a wide range of industries, Tiffany discusses the exponential power that direct experience offers to the brain in terms of retention, memory and empathy. Today, she leads strategy and operations at PATIO Interactive – an interactive design & development studio in Toronto specializing in virtual and augmented reality business solutions. She is passionate about using this technology within the non-profit sector for environmental NGOs as well as businesses in the corporate world. Currently, her company is working to bridge communication gaps and challenges within the cannabis industry and building an interactive learning platform for cannabis called XRCanna. As pictures are worth 1,000 words, immersive mediums like AR/VR can be worth a 1,000 pictures and videos. Tiffany leads business operations at PATIO Interactive — an interactive design & marketing studio in Toronto specializing in virtual and augmented reality business solutions. Currently, she is focused on solving cannabis industry challenges with technology-driven solutions. Prior to this role, she spent years working operations at food tech startups, running her own music magazine and dabbling in and out of photojournalism. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at



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