In Northeastern Canada, a traditional Inuit hunter, carver, and guide is watching the world change before his eyes. In Keeper of …
Keeping the Inuit Way of Life Alive in a Changing World | Short Film Showcase
End of the Mayan Calendar | Apocalypse 2012 Revelations
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Subscribe to Discovery! | Take a look at how the complex cycles of the Mayan calendar work and how...
Revelations – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is celebrating six decades of “Revelations,” a choreographic masterpiece that has become a lasting...
Real Life – September 17, 2019
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Revealing the Oracle Rabbi Jonathan Cahn takes us on a journey of ancient revelations that are unfolding in modern...
Computer Science is Changing Everything
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
No matter what field you want to go into, Computer Science is changing that industry. Start learning at Special...
Changing World | The Dewarists (S01E05)
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
Subscribe to Dewar’s India Youtube channel Here: The Dewarists is a new original series. Part music documentary and part...
Revelations Seven Churches – #1 Ephesus
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
This 5 minute video shows some pictures and footage from the ancient city. The message Christ gives to Ephesus...
How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott
Synthetintelligence™ NHOL, , Society & Culture, 0
What is the blockchain? If you don’t know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some...