NOTE: Firstly, we know about and apologise for the incorrect map in this version of the video, there is an update version in the playlist with a corrected map.

PLEASE HELP US UPDATE THIS VIDEO: We recognise that this video is now, in 2017, outdated. Please help us to create an update by supporting us on Patreon:

In the meantime, please find the updated information on our website here: Thank you!

SUPPORT US TO UPDATE THIS VIDEO: Our Global Inequality video has been viewed over 1 million times since it was first uploaded to Youtube in 2013. It has been used in classrooms, lecture halls, referenced in speeches, watched at home and has informed government and NGO policy.

It’s also incredibly out of date. We would like to raise US $2,000 to cover the cost of working with an animator from Ghana to create an updated version of the video. With continued support from the community we will go onto make more and more regular video content and online and offline mainstream culture hacking interventions to support the transition to a fairer, more beautiful post-capitalism world.

If you’ve watched and appreciated the animation, we’d really appreciate your help in creating one that more accurately reflects an accurate picture of rampant inequality the world today. Support us on Patreon: Thank you!

Production Company: Grain Media (; Motion Graphics Artist: Nick Pittom (; Music: Sup Doodle and Apple Juice Kid (; References: Accompanying article in Al Jazeera:



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