Today we learn about psychology tricks that are proven to work. Do not try to manipulate or persuade people in bad ways. That behavior is never approved and will lead down a bad path. Instead, understand these psychological tricks from a fun and educational point of view, and understand when someone might be trying to use them on you!

The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice

Rational Choice and the Framing of Decisions

The IKEA Effect: When Labor Leads to Love

What to Do with Your Hands When You Speak

Why You Want to Be Wanted

Sounds True to Me: the Rhyme as Reason Effect

Authority Bias: Too Much Obedience Might Make You do S****d Things

The Bizarreness Effect: It’s Not Surprising, It’s Complex

Von Restorff Revisited: Isolation, Generation, and Memory for Order

Primacy, Recency, and the von Restorff Effect

Music: “cute” and “ukulele” from

Thanks to Tristan Reed (writing), Troy W. Hudson (VO), HowlingCreations for helping to create this video!



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