Running late AGAIN? What is it with us and time? It is like a complicated relationship! The most searched questions on Google include –

How can I never be late again?
How can I stop running late?
How can I be on time all the time?
How can I make time in the morning?
How do I stop being late to class?
How can I improve my tardiness?

Have you ever stopped and thought WHY you are always late instead of HOW to be on time? There is some psychology behind us not being on time. If you have EVER been late in your life (I guarantee you have), spend 4 minutes and 30 seconds of your life to look inward and reflect on these 5 psychological reasons.

💬 Turning it over to you – which of these 5 reasons is why YOU get late the most? I’m guilty of #4 ! Let me know in the COMMENTS below!

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