How do psychological influences affect buying decisions? Emotional cognition is a fundamental part of any decision-making process so understanding how to connect to the feelings of an audience or an individual customer is key to sales success.

People buy from people they like and trust. Who do people like and trust? They trust people they know. This is why it’s so important to build relationships BEFORE you try to sell anything.

Tell a story that will speak to the hearts of your audience, not just their minds. Facts, figures, and information make for a dull presentation that often does little to cause action. If you want to change someone’s behavior, if you want to get someone to do something, make them FEEL.

Emotional cognition is important no matter what your message or product is. When trying to get someone to do anything, psychological influences will determine whether or not you’re successful.

Create an experience for your audience. By telling compelling stories and making them interactive, you can establish the ultimate connection with your listener. People will remember something that made them laugh, cry, or wonder, far more easily than they would a piece of information devoid of emotion.

This is what makes storytelling such a wonderful tool. The story is the perfect vehicle for delivering a message because it’s rich with characters, plot, and emotional ups-and-downs.

A story can transport your listener and bring them back with a new perspective. The psychological influences at work are subtle, yet they have a powerful effect on our emotional cognition.

So, tell a story and create an experience worth remembering.



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