America Land of Wealth Inequality and Shrinking Middle Class
America is in decline.
In the worst economic crisis since the great depression , millions have been downsized, outsourced, and laid off.

We now have an explosion in the number of those in poverty as well as the number of personal and business bankruptcies.
The big corporations do not care about the working class; they just want to make more money.
Inequality is becoming worse as tens of millions of Americans face unemployment, loss of healthcare, evictions, and hunger.
Income inequality and lack of upward mobility is fodder for discontent for vast segments of the population.
We are in the middle of an extraordinary moment in American history.
With nearly 30 million jobless and rising,millions are unable to find a job ,and millions are losing their homes.
In the wake of the Great Recession, America’s middle class emerges as the face of the new poverty. As many as 40 million Americans could face eviction by the end of the year. In some states, including Mississippi and Louisiana, more than half of all renter households could be at risk of eviction.
America will experience an increase in homelessness, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Great Depression.
But while tens of millions of Americans are now facing economic desperation – unemployment, loss of healthcare, evictions, hunger – the very rich are becoming much richer. The top 0.0001% – are using a global pandemic as an opportunity to make outrageous profits after receiving a de facto bailout by the Federal Reserve.
Fifty million Americans filed for unemployment during the pandemic, but billionaires saw their net worth increase by half a trillion dollars.
Global wealth inequality steadily grows.
The richest get richer, and the poor get poorer.
When the majority of the bailout is going to big corporations, and people aren’t getting paid, of course, that’s where the money ends up.
The working class is decimated. No jobs, huge debt, everything is expensive. The so-called free market is anything but free. Modern global capitalism is in many ways corporate welfare, fueled by governments’ support and favors.

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