Data science combined with artificial intelligence is set to create change that this world has never seen. What can computers do and what will they be able to do in order to impact the world. Fred Blackburn tackles some of the country’s most critical issues–terrorist activities, drug interdiction, and even driverless vehicles. He leads the Justice, Homeland Security, and Transportation division of Booz Allen Hamilton, a top consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. Previously, he led both the analytics and predictive intelligence business areas for commercial, civil, defense, and security clients. He is an expert as using data and analytics to solve today’s complex problems. Before joining Booz Allen in 2008, Fred headed up the management consulting division at Northrop Grumman/TASC. As a director, he was responsible for acquisition management, decision analysis, cost and risk analysis, financial management, intelligence analysis, and change management. Recognized for his achievements, Fred was awarded two Director of Central Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citations for his contributions to the Future Imagery Architecture Joint Management Office and his support to the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
World Changing: Data Science and AI | Fred Blackburn | TEDxWakeForestU
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