1. Please send me an invitation

to become part of this global movement of union named NeverHateOnlyLove,
2. once accepted and signed up in this website I am commited to follow “The 3 rules” in every aspect of my life from now on
because this will promote a genuine state of union with my human brothers and sisters,
3. beginning always and specially with those fellow members of this social network.
4. This moment I quit the archaic paradigm of negativity and division and I will never accept any of such ever again,
5. now I promote and defend positivity and union always with nice manners, while peacefully rejecting anything that generates division.

The 3 rules:
1. Never be angry.
2. Never give negative energy.
3. Never turn your back and leave.

    © 2025 The Synagogue of the Human Energy Inc, all rights reserved. All our material, digital, written, audiovisual, is property of our private network and its respective members, all rights are reserved, please read our Privacy Policy. If you use our website in any form, it means you have accepted our Terms and Conditions. Questions? Contact us.

    © 2025 La Sinagoga de la Energía Humana™, todos los derechos reservados. Todo nuestro material, digital, escrito, audiovisual, es propiedad de nuestra red privada y sus respectivos miembros, todos los derechos están reservados, por favor lea nuestra Política de Privacidad. Si utiliza nuestro sitio web en cualquier forma, significa que ha aceptado nuestros Términos y condiciones. ¿Preguntas? Contáctanos.

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