The internet era…

has completely changed the way we connect and make business, all our data goes through electronic devices, systems and computers, so agencies and governments are doing important investments in gathering, controlling, filtering and accessing all this massive volume of information.

So to conceal this negative trend and all the lack of legality behind it, giant technological companies have been created in the private sector, whose platforms attract audiences by giving away free perks and rewards, once you are hooked they start charging money to use what once was for free, just to later censor and remove the content that disagrees with their policies, sometimes without prior notification, making entrepreneurs to loose their hard-earned money.

The worst part is that YOUR OWN content is used to generate THEM revenue, you cannot surf those platforms without being victim of absurd amounts of undesired and unsolicited advertising campaigns and targeted marketing, where a tiny chunk ends up in the hands of influencers and all those modern internet stars to keep them happy and the rumors quiet or positive.

Not to mention that the operating systems created by those corporations (such as Android by Google that makes your cellphone to function, Windows in your computer by Microsoft, same as Apple and Macintosh) are turned into sophisticated tools for tracking all your location, moves, contacts, communications and preferences, making all of it to seem more like a coordinated military operation rather than a service to progress and humanity.

So our goal is…

to protect your data and your communications using the methods and infrastructure deployed and certified by the global community that works with open source code and General Public License (GNU), so our solutions are proved to work good and serve the purpose; although we cannot compete with trillion dollar budgets from technology corporations and military operatives from powerful agencies and governments, we stand in favor of privacy and liberty for our own sake and we want to share our experience with those that decide to follow us in our trend.

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