= Welcome! =

The NeverHateOnlyLove movement is an institutional framework that provides FREE enterprise electronic services, such as an advanced social network and cloud, with marketing and collaboration tools for those that come together under a paradigm of acceptance and respect, to promote genuine positivity and friendship, for those who have a desire to follow a sense of human values that lead us ALL to the enrichment of our life.

Our aspirations and prerogatives incline towards what is positive, happy, beautiful and honest since our choice is to nurture the human person, inside and outside, with the energy produced from humanly positive values; we share positive, happy and beautiful things that will make your day and life better and we present them in an interesting and respectful manner, this is the way we seed a drop of goodness in our hearts everyday, to continuously build the ocean of our lives… to keep it pure, positive and humane.

“your life is the most epic and important project of your existence,
our contribution is to keep it that way forever”

The NeverHateOnlyLove movement

Become part of The NeverHateOnlyLove Movement

We strive to be positive! And we achieve it by leaving judgement aside while moving ahead towards the direction of acceptance and respect.

We gather in this platform to create change and we begin with our person, our individual power augments with the help of those around us, so our choice is to get together to achieve splendid things, we set our activities and goals as a group to minimize drama and friction and to maximize achievement and satisfaction. Each one of us performing its own talent becomes the gears of our mechanism of happiness.

The truth is the clean water that hydrates our hearts, we stick to scientific concepts and principles but we gracefully invite the fantasy, the philosophy and those realms that happen inside our individuality, never trying to indoctrinate by irrational, coercive or fraudulent means.

A great community deserves the best tools to keep us inspired and connected, please excuse if our system seems a little retro and dry, but think about those professional solutions for government, business and restaurants running on old devices that have worked for years and never stop, WE ARE THAT! We are proud to offer a corporate private platform so your information or your digital prints will NEVER be tracked or exposed to algorithms in the pursuit of generating revenue or to deliver your information to ANY agency, as most of other social networks and platforms do to obtain huge revenue and donations from the security and surveillance sector. Here our fancy ingredients are your inspiration and contributions that will serve the purpose of our collective expansion, so please let them fly without limitations but always with humanity and respect.

Our platform is the excuse to get to know each other and get closer with positive goals in this era of modernity, but we really want to take it further than that with the active participation of every single one of us in activities that will bring us together in person too.

Subscribe to our platform and enjoy premium corporate services at NO cost and the power and vibration of an entire global network of genuine positive people interconnected to exchange and share the finest that the human can provide, including their own professional activities, in a truthful manner, always with acceptance and respect.

= The pillars of our foundation =

THE RELIGIOUS AND METAPHYSICAL PERSPECTIVE: The “inside” of your human. To discover, exercise and master philosophy, meditation and matters that only can happen within you.
THE SCIENTIFIC AND PHYSICAL PERSPECTIVE: The “outside” of the human. To find, innovate and go beyond mainstream science, statistics, numbers and mathematics.

= Our Partners =


We share interesting articles

Scholz covering up the destruction of Nord Stream by the US?

Seymour Hersh’s latest revelation: Why is German Chancellor Scholz covering up the destruction of Nord Stream by the US? Johannes Stern @JSternWSWS 27 March 2023 The World Socialist Web Site described the meeting between German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden as a war summit, at the beginning of March. “There is no way to avoid the conclusion that […]

Redacted-20230328 US and allies pushing hard for WW3, tanks, depleted uranium

URGENT: US and allies pushing hard for WW3, tanks, depleted uranium, but NO news coverage inside the country. Really bad. This will be removed quick, please WATCH. URGENTE: EE. UU. y sus aliados empujando duro hacia la Tercera Guerra Mundial, tanques, uranio empobrecido, pero SIN cobertura de noticias dentro del país. Muy mal. Esto lo van a borrar pronto, por […]

2023 March – Peter Schiff’s Last Warning

Interesting article about the recent recession and inflation. https://www.neverhateonlylove.com/cloud/s/sgGWtRwKec34Ee9/download/%282023%29You%27reBeingINSTRUCTEDnotToNotice-PeterSchiff%27sLastWarning.mp4  


Judith Krug Our entrepreneur friend with a transformational coach heart, starts the first Telecast in english for the NeverHateOnlyLove movement. Her interesting talk and fine advice are of all our delight, please enjoy. https://www.neverhateonlylove.com/cloud/s/xiCm2aAfAmXWAbJ/download/nhol-20230310-JudithKrug-0k.mp4

Russian majestic dancers

Wonderful amazing!

CUAUHTEMOTZIN , ultimo Tlatoani Mexica – Xolotl Martínez

A casi 500 años después de su muerte? Escucha de la voz del abuelo Xolotl Martínez, reconocido temachtiani de nuestra tradición, quién nos ofrece una perspectiva auténtica y vivencial de la cosmovisión mexicana.

Cosmovision del Anahuac – Itztliocelotl

Un relato increible que nos educa sobre una de las sociedades mas fascinantes del mundo, el antiguo imperio Azteca y su increible tradicion filosofica.

20220714-Fran-Handball Master

Francisco Mancilla The International Handball Champion, ranked 4th in the world talks about his glories and curiosities, how he defeated disease that threatened his life through positivity, the sports discipline and his endless enthusiasm for life, his work, his lifestyle and the countries that he carries in his heart. https://www.neverhateonlylove.com/cloud/s/QGTHGCM6DW8qGZH/download/nhol-20220714-FranMa-0k.mp4  

Terreno en Puebla, video

[video src="https://www.livedeep.tv/cloud/index.php/s/gZLFWgRRKbfzF8L/download/2023-Bassocco-Terreno-Puebla-0k.mp4" /]

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See the revolution of health from Don Tolman soon to be reported on Today tonight… what if there is so much more to life….?? source

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World's Largest Experiment!

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12 NEW Mind Blowing psychology Facts | Psychological Facts about Music

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© 2025 La Sinagoga de la Energía Humana™, todos los derechos reservados. Todo nuestro material, digital, escrito, audiovisual, es propiedad de nuestra red privada y sus respectivos miembros, todos los derechos están reservados, por favor lea nuestra Política de Privacidad. Si utiliza nuestro sitio web en cualquier forma, significa que ha aceptado nuestros Términos y condiciones. ¿Preguntas? Contáctanos.

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